Remember your Roots
We love our families and the roots upon which we were raised and still stand. Our pasts, how we were raised, and the pasts of those who came before us inform so much of who we are and more importantly who we want to be. . . as a reminder of this, and more, and because we miss home so much sometimes, we decided to make "art" of old stationary we have from both of our towns - mine from Baird TX (where my family has been for over 100 years as teachers, merchants, and civil servants) and Ben's from Weatherford OK (where his parents & grandparents on both sides have been integral parts of the community for 3 generations). We have taken the mastheads from the stationary and are blowing it up to hang on the wall - see the Baird piece that is completed at top - still working on how to mount it. . . and the stationary we are using for Weatherford, and specifically from Ben's grandfather's drugstore. It is still in production. Will update you on the final installation. . . will take finding just the perfect spot eventually to show off why we believe in roots and reach.
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