Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Magic Potion for Moms (minus silly errors)

This is a quickie because Im exactly what Im about to describe...If you are a busy, atleast semi stressed, insane, nutty, bad multi-tasker, working mother who doesn't want to look as tired and bedraggled as you feel, here is a magic potion for pepping up your cute self....Your welcome. And by 'your' I of course mean you're. You. Are. Welcome. Let's face it, just because my eyes are brightened doesn't mean my brain works. Thank you Eilene, for not wanting me to look like a dumb-dumb. :) We should all have such friends.


  1. There really isn't anyone better than Bobbi :-)

  2. Awesome. I need to try this. And, you're welcome :P


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