Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pretty (Imperfect) Painted Pumpkins

Last year around this time I posted a pretty picture of perfectly painted pumpkins.  See here. This year, as we settle into our new home, I have been uber inspired to try my hand at it, as the painted pumpkin trend seems on fire. Now, in my younger days, just out of design classes in college (that included a basic course in painting with acrylics which I LOVED) I used to paint all sorts of things. . . primarily I painted (and then lost) a super cute series of found cabinet doors and vintage hard case luggage with colorful patterns (and one Santa as I recall. . .it was the early 2000s ok?) in acrylic paints.  One bag was in multi colored zig-zags (so ahead of my time!) and one was plaid.  I painstakingly taped out each stripe and delicately intertwined each color. . . oh to be 24 and have tons of time and creativity.  These days that love of acrylics and plaid and stripes came out in some rather sloppy, gloppy, unevenly painted pumpkins. . . but I love them just the same.  I also put our address numbers on one - first because I saw this in a Martha pic, and second because we don't have address numbers yet and nobody is sure what house we live in.  Voila - location service via pumpkins. The lesson here - don't be afraid to be imperfect even in the face of fabulous Pinterest images that make us all want to crawl in a hole.  Just do it!  Get your paints and let your creativity flow.  xx - m.m.

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