Monday, February 28, 2011

Project: Friendship in a Jar

Jar of Words - the sweetest gift. 
We all have encountered them - those thoughtful, lovely people we meet whom, in a perfect world, become dear friends. . . I have recently gone through the extraordinary experience of making a new and dear friend - I mean, I don't know about yall, but the older I get, the harder it is to really connect with someone new. . . to meet a true kindred spirit.  My sweet friend, and  creative force in her own right, Kelly Oleson, made this jar of words for a couple of lucky folks, with hand-picked quotes she transcribed onto cards that fit inside the jar. I wake up and take out a quote that fits me exactly - they really seem to speak to me specifically which is so heart-warming - everyday. . . what a gift!  Do this for someone special, and I promise it will mean the world to them.  It takes time and love - the most precious of gifts.

A quote that fits me to a tee.  When you know and love your friends, you will find the perfect words.
Kelly tied ribbons to each card, and added a clip where I can attach my current quote to the outside for easy-reading. LOVE it.


  1. Inspiration abounds! Thanks Ms. Smmidge! ;)

  2. Blushing! Thanks for the unnecessary, but incredibly sweet recognition on my favorite blog and thanks for inspiring ME everyday by doing what YOU do! xoxo


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